Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Picture Wall

Being asked for design help from other creatives is best complement!

When my Makeup Artist friend Liz Washer asked me to help organize a tribute to her family with her boxes of photos, of course I jumped at the opportunity!

It can be a daunting task to go thru all of the pictures to begin with, and that is just the starting point.

There were a few memories to look thru to find the gems that would make up our tribute.

Pick your wall:
Liz already had a hanging collection in her hall just waiting for the family inspired update!

We removed everything but the mirror on the right....  A girls gotta check her lip gloss before she leaves the house or answer the door! It will serve a duel purpose.... You'll see....

 Take yer mighty Magic Eraser & Nail Hole Patch to give yourself a scuff n hole free blank canvas!

Ta Da!

Lay those framed lovelies on the floor to see how the sizes & textures play against eachother.
You can take a messurement of the wall space you are working with to help with the transition from floor to wall.

BOOM! All of those memories, plus that mirror, so Liz can see herself in the grouping, everyday remembering, everyday making memories. <3<3<3



  1. This is beautiful! I love it! Great idea about laying everything out on the floor first … seems so simple, yet never occurred to me.

  2. Thanks Margaret! Sometimes a good short cut can spare us some time, & a lot of extra holes in the walls ;-)

    I hope this post inspires you to MAKE SOMETHING!

