If there is a Funk hiding up in your Dome...
If you have a Smell lingering in your Home...
You Must Smudge!
What ever Stinks in your life...
You Must Smudge!
I gave up on using scented products...
Sprays.... just left a stink with perfume on top...
And the sprays land on stuff & leave an unpleasant film on things...
Plus if I can get the Air & the Vibes Clean at the Same Time!
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When I sit to Meditate, Take a Bath, Start My Work day...
I take a minute to light a lil Sage.
We get our Stash of Loose White Sage from the Amazon...
I like taking the loose pieces...
One at a time if it is going to be left to smoke on its own...
Light it until it catches...
Wave it, or blow it out so it will smoke its smoky-kill-all-that-ills Magic!
Just a tiny little leaf in a dish left to do all work...
Be Careful not to wave it around or blow on it too much...
You will get ashes EVERYWHERE...
Or maybe that's how you roll... I don't know you X-D
I will empty my ashes in the AM when NOTHING has been burning for hours and hours...
My lil supply...
In the Kitchen...
Ready to go at any time!
I have my Big Bundle at the Ready in case a Whole House Smudge is needed.

When at the Fire Pit..
Toss in a few leaves from time to time...
The scent is Relaxing!
You want More...?
You got it!
Facebook Article... about the Shamanic Art of the Ritual Smudge...
Get yourself some Sage!
Get yourself some Fire!
Make the Air & Vibes Clean!
You know where to find me...
I see yall stalkers lol
Till the next time...