Friday, January 21, 2022

The Two Hands of Life - Dog update

Night two of little sleep… very broken sleep… 

Our dog suffered a stroke on Wednesday 

She’s ok, best case scenario so far

I’ve been keeping watch over her and attending to her every need through the nights and days, etc…

She’s recovering very well, becoming less confused and needing less help with getting up and moving.

Thank goodness 

So while everyone is leveling out
Recharging and full intentions set on raising our vibration to 
Stop what feels like a complete burnout 
Lurking just around the corner…

We are lacing everything with gratitude 
We are not engaging with the bs
We are picking our battles 
And not giving our energy away to the wrong causes 

I have been- since late November 
Trying to move my studio upstairs 
To have a set up to allow, not only for several easels 
For painting 
But for the writing processes 

Finding all of the pockets of dust bunnies 

Taking up the carpet 
The curtains are in the wash
Because they will be acting as the sound barrier 
Walls ~ fingers crossed 
That all of the planned gadgets 
Really do come in handy 
Picturing the cat toppling the whole menagerie 

Found a receipt from 2018…

Some of the frills from the curtain set up
All tangled 
But I sorted it…

For now though 
We focus on this Charli Girl
Fingers crossed 
This is the only occurrence of this particular 
Physical ailment for her
And maybe I can take a shower and a nap today 

And we drink all the coffee 
And stay cozy because it’s 
A brisk 2 degrees Fahrenheit 
-13 if you take the wind into consideration 
Of course we always do…
If I can wrap my head around it later today or tomorrow 
Whichever comes first 
I will start popping up more of that
Of poeems for you…
I keep writing them
So I better try to catch up…?

Anyway ttyl

By the way 
I’m not going to edit this post
Bc my eyes are too tired yadda yadda
Sleepy peepers 
You get it
& thank you darlin 