Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Picnic! Tanglewood! Wacky Sammich! Eddie Izzard! GO!!!

I've lived in Mass my whole life...

And this is my first time at Tanglewood!

My Dear Friend Liz had this Great Idea to go see Eddie Izzard...

How could I say no!?!?!

I knew that ppl like to Picnic there...

And the Weather was Perfect!!!! So...

All the Ingredients!

Water, Wine, Wraps, Chocolate, & TICKETS TO THE SHOW!

Mmmmm... Chocolate... Raspberry, Orange, Almonds! Organic!

Nom Nom Nom!

& Lookit how cool that lil Wine Glass stays Spill Proof with that Lid!

Lets Break it Down... :-)

This Wacky Wrap was a Mad Scientist Moment for me in the Kitchen...

Gluten Free Garden Veggie Wrap...

Sriracha Ketchup & Kicked up Horseradish Mustard...

Just a wee bit of these for a Spicy Tang!

Roasted Chicken...


Pickled Ginger...

Ginger goes on EVERYTHING in my house!

Romaine Lettuce...

A O-K!

Cheese Crackers...

I had some Shredded Mexican Blend in the Fridge just Perfect for the Experiment!

(you take any cheese sliced or shredded & throw it on parchment paper in the oven or toaster & OMG! Crunchy Toasty Cheese HEAVEN!!!)

Go Try it Right Now... I'll Wait here...


And these Wine to Go Cups...

With Screw On Caps...

A nice alternative to having to bring a whole bottle plus glasses, etc...

Easy Peasey!

We Kicked off our shoes, as the Wine Kicked in!

And Obvi, Great Fashion Minds Think Alike ;-D

We could've been on the same page of the catalog!

As the Sun Set, we took our seats...

The Stage was so pretty!

That Luminous Figure kept us Entertained into the night!

Totally Amazing, Relaxing, Fun, Yummy, Good Time...

Ab Fab, Perfect Reason to take the time to Drive Out to The Berkshires!

Snag some Tickets to a Show...

Pack a Picnic...

Hang out in the Grass with a Friend...


& Don't forget to MAKE SOMETHING!!!


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