Monday, March 16, 2020

Corona: The Magic of Isolation

Disclaimer: this is written from the point of view of someone who has a really privileged set up in life. don't get me wrong, I'm no where near rich, but I've worked my reality theory to the bone to be set up in a wee woodland "light palace" with all the magic I could muster & with the stubbornness of a bull. what's under all that, like anyones situation, is love and light. if you actually read this y'aunty B is going to connect with ya for a sec to send the biggest virtual hug or generous bow while saying "M'Lady".

Im not panicking, you're panicking!

I feel you, this is a huge change- think of the options that are now gone


If you are reading this, you probably have the ability to access the internet...YaY

Hi! Hows it goin?

Fancy meeting you here...

What's that? Did I finally finish my closet clean out project?  hehe.... no... lol

thanks fer askin

Yeah, Ive got a mental list of all the things Id like to get done during the "down time"

Shuffle furniture around

Closet finish

Catch up on Laundry- omg if you have to go to a Laundromat... I feel you! I have lived that Life... super not fun anytime there was illness or bad weather...

Paint sample works; Ive got a whole list of images that I want to put on canvas. Do you have a fave pic of your pet, babes, vaca? etc... my retirement- get it going now...

Paint woodwork: there are several areas in ma house that now have half way painted doors etc...

Film a House Plant Tour- you know you wanna see what's up with the plant pals! lol

Photo my Pets: like what's really going on in there, behind those eyes... y'know.

Honestly tho, I will probably set something up so that everyday I have something to entertain and take the mind off of the worry that I feel- not only from me -but from others hiding- just under the surface of things...

:-( its going to be ok says the voice in the back o me head... I know I should listen to her more.

back to the list

MineCraft... virtual Lego type thing, takes a lot of time up

Garage Band! omg that album Ive been working on....

MEDITATION! Ive a few good guided meditations on audible...

Yoga... stretch this junk out... deep breathe open the chest etc...

we've already been taking all of the vitamins and I started taking soothing therapeutic baths...
maybe I will film a wee garden tour... we had a world class looking crocus come up the other day!!!
it really is the lil things...

are you guys having trouble putting the whole thing into perspective? when I have the anxiety moments of trying to conceive of the whole thing, I try to only think of the one day. I will mix one activity that exercises my brain, then one that exercises my body...

TWO WEEKS OFF? I don't get sick pay or vacation pay, so Ive built it into my budget to be able to sail a bit if money isn't coming in... I didn't have that luxury many times in my life tho... I know what its like to evaluate your belongings and wonder how much you can fit in your car to live in it... selling off all your stuff to pay bills, while most ppl just shrug and look at you with pity, and sometimes with those were the days.

BUT, having your ducks in a row doesn't make you safe from this scenario...
I have a small private styling practice in a home studio, NOT open to the public, etc...
while I was working my butt off making sure that my home, self, studio were totally germ free and sanitized... and reminding ppl that they should feel free to reschedule if they or anyone that they've been in contact with had any symptoms or fever ... it did not stop someone from thinking that they're exposure to the virus was as insignificant as they made it seem- it would be no big deal coming to my home for their service... well, Ive shut that down for sure... imagine having that moment of "oh, shoot, should I just sanitize everything again and just not tell anyone" NO!!! this persons actions, lies, disrespect took my option of exposure away. ULTIMATE VIOLATION of not only my policies, but the safety of me, my husband, and anyone who was coming after her for services... she lied about exposure in her response to my reminder text... but she came out with the whole story while she was here... why say anything at all??? like the liability of possible exposure to just two people wasn't as severe as who knows how many???


we live in a cloud of lysol for now *sigh*

but I have to focus on the good things coming!

vaccines and antibodies SOON SOON SOON

cheerleader pom poms SOON SOON SOON

until then we are self monitoring for symptoms...

are you guys ok? anyone have any stories like mine?

I tell ya wut, BEING IN SEQUESTER, THE MAGIC OF ISOLATION seems really nice right now!

after that clients behavior, honestly, I'm on the fence about having anyone back for any reason! lol

no really,

Wheres the Jen? check online cuz she is never leaving the house again lol


repeat after me:


Ive gone off the rails... go back n delete all of this! lol nah...

PUZZLES!!! I just dug out some, do you all like puzzles?

sip some more green tea...

Ima wear some funky outfits I tell ya wut! no ones going to see it! who cares! LOL

we've got our essential oils on, grounding our emotions... or at least trying to lol

going to dig into more YouTube fun -

Zoe Sugg's channel is fun, she's British, I recommend the vlogs where she and her friend Mark go hunting for fall or halloween stuff! they say "autumnal" a lot- potential for a drinking game...

Garden Answer is one of our faves, gardening & a nice lady n her fam... its got some fun bloopers too and their cat Russel is so cute.

if you need more performance art: Emilia Fart is the best thing going as far as the ordering a pizza to be delivered to a graveyard at midnight genre goes lol OOO or dying your hair in a grocery store....


oooooo maybe I will re organize the screen porch finally????


I would love it if you guys wanted to check in here...

I don't need you to follow or subscribe... just want to know that you're ok.

how are you coping? what have you knocked off your list that's been there for a while?

are you telecommuting?

home with your kids?

taking it easy?  bottle some of that for the rest of us k ;-D

have any fave things to pass the time?

any stories you want to share or link to?

are ya bored?


what about now? lol


Ill be checking the stats to see where y'all are looking in from...

Hi, see ya, glad to kinda meet ya :-)

Im off to try and dig up more magic to raise the ol vibration here!

and make sure you remember- idk, time is on our side, potential to make the most of this is there...

Im pulling for all of you!

Im here

Im going to be MAKING SOMETHING every day...

look me up on the socials

lots of love

the universe hears you, don't stop asking it for the good things!



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