Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Christmas is Coming!!! 2022!!!


The plan is to  B E    F E S T I V E  !!!!!!!!!!

I am much more of a Solstice Celebration person myself…

Yuletide and all that… BUT! I will take my festive days where I can dammit! Lol! 

The outdoor color changing spotlights are out, as well as the bulbs inside… it’s hard to stick with one scheme… every night a different shade then… sure, why not. No rules, just fun. And our blue spots shining up into the flanking trees, with the café light golden glow… now do we put the energy into putting the light up deer out… they are needing a fix up… glow up…? Makeover…? Could we make them look fancier…??? 

Charli Girl gets her stitches out today!!! So excited for her! And after her pain issues from last week… I took some time yesterday and built her an extension platform from our old fairy bench. Worried that a regular dog ramp might not go over well with her… one is on order, it folds and works to help get her into the car, again fingers crossed that she doesn’t mind it… 

Borrowed all of the bits of concrete bricks that we had laying around for the platform situation… that path deserves the goshen stone exclusivity treatment… 

Anyway, the new back step situation has a whimsical quality that kinda hits the spot, and oddly looks like it’s always been there. 

And the race to tie up all the loose ends outside before the snow comes and the ground freezes is still ongoing. We made a huge amount of headway last weekend. Taking advantage of the good weather and getting some items checked off the list, like the huge string of globe café lights… 

We finally had enough shepherds hooks, and I had lopped enough of the bittersweet and raspberries to extend the back yard enough to make them the perfect length! 

The yard out back was all of 10 feet long when we moved here almost 7yrs ago. With its saplings and random bits of shrubbery… no grass, just weeds and pine needles. Now we have gained about 4 and a half feet each year to add up to 38 feet! As exhausting as it seems to have to keep lopping at invasive vines and saplings year after year… knowing that we are making progress, was so worth the time it took to do it. 

Now I am starting to dig out the Christmas trees from the upstairs storage & make an intro for the VLOGMAS videos! 

End of the year! And the excitement I feel when the solstice marks the last day of the darkest days! More light will start coming our way! 

Ooooh! And the favorite food shopping that happens!!!!

Those soft pretzel bites from Whole Foods that we had last year, are definitely on the must have list! 



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